Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Say Hello to My Tacky Home: Scarface Inspired Decor

There is no denying the overwhelming popularity of the movie Scarface.  Nearly 30 years after its original release the classic tale of capitalism, crime and creepy sexual tension between siblings continues to inspire a nation of dedicated fans.  Sure, most devotees can quote some of the more famous dialogue or boast ownership of both the “Anniversary Edition” and “Platinum Edition” DVD releases, but it takes a true Montana-tic to outfit his entire home in Scarface decor.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Deck Outing: Hipster Home Tour in Los Angeles

Have you ever wondered where the hipper-than-thou park their fixed gear bikes? How many cans of Pabst their fridge holds?  This self-drive tour through the East Side of Los Angeles on Sunday 27 June may not answer those burning questions, but it is a chance to check out some amazing hipster hideouts. learn more

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Interview with Jesse James Dupree

I interviewed Jesse James Dupree, the frontman for the down and dirty blue-collar multi-platinum selling rock act- Jackyl, at the Golden Gods Awards in Los Angeles. Read the Gunaxin 6 question interview here.

6 Lessons Learned from Teachers Gone Wild

This was the first article I ever pitched to Cracked.com.  They passed, but Gunaxin picked it up.

With the school year winding down, we thought it was time to pay tribute to teachers who added just a bit more than reading, writing and ‘rithmatic to their daily lesson plans. Some may be shocked when they hear of prurient impulses and clouded judgment from public school teachers.  However, for those of us that attended college with said educators, we know most of them majored in keg stands and spring break debauchery.

 You can read the rest here.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Seven Deadly Sins of Web Design

Much like wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony are transgressions fatal to spiritual progress, web design sins are fatal to form and function progress.  Avoiding the following (venial and mortal) sins and aspiring to heavenly design virtues will help keep you from the fiery pits of Internet damnation.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Stylelogue Dialogue in More places

I just signed on as a columnist at DesignCrave.com, where I'll be giving daily style and design reviews. Today's feature, lights made out of discarded cardboard boxes.