Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More NCAA Madness

NCAA March Madness - College, Corruption and a Cinderella Story

 A fairytale about the Student-Athlete, a recent article at Cracked.com.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gunaxin "Stuff for Guys"


My article "Six Ways Journalists Have Used Hollywood's Playbook" is up on Gunaxin "Stuff for Guys" website.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

If Hollywood Taught Science Class/ Cracked Photoplasty Contest

Cracked.com has a weekly photoplasty competition. You can check out my entry along with the other finalists here.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Madness and the Short Shorts of Yore

March Madness Early 80s Style
Much like hemlines, the length of basketball shorts are subject to the whims of the fashion gods.  This Sports Illustrated cover from 1981 shows just how short they could go. Actually watch any sporting event before 1990, and you will see short-shorts.   At that point, they gradual started creeping towards the knee, culminating in Nike's 2009 College basketball uniform that practically grazes the ankle. I get to the bottom of this in my article, March Madness - A Short History featured at Gunaxin.

Long Shorts or Short Pants?

I, like most of the rest of the modern world, have spent the better part of this week filling out March Madness brackets. The editorial staff at Gunaxin, "Stuff for Guys" is having a competition for contributors, you can follow my pics in that contest under Gunaxin-Diana here where I put my super secret March Madness bracket equation to the test.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Future is Illuminated

I was interviewed by Laguna Beach magazine for their 2009 summer edition.  Looking back on it now, I was quite prescient.  I spoke at length about the potential of new gallery artist Damian Robinson, and have sold quite a few pieces of his since then.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How Aesthetics Improve the World

An experiment showing how creative fun through good design can improve the world and make life more enjoyable.